Jersey Tax authorities update: Introduction to GST for overseas retailers

What is changing?
As of the 1st of July 2023, the Jersey Tax Authorities will require retailers trading outside Jersey to sell goods to consumers in Jersey (online, through brochures, magazine sales or others) and where the value of such sales by any retailer to consumers in Jersey exceeds £300,000 per annum to:
a) Apply for an Overseas Vendor Jersey Goods & Services Tax (GST) registration number before the 1st of July 2023.
b) Collect Goods & Services Tax (GST) on goods at the point of purchase.
c) Complete the GST return filing & payment to Jersey Tax Authorities on a periodic basis.

Is registration mandatory?
Any overseas retailer, or online market, who sells goods to non-business consumers in Jersey and those goods are dispatched from an overseas location to Jersey, must register for GST in Jersey if their turnover from such sales exceeds, or is likely to exceed, £300,000 per annum
Registration is not mandatory for companies who do not meet the above criteria. However, it is also possible to register voluntarily.
How much is the local GST rate?
The rate of GST applicable to the supply, or importation, of nearly all goods (excluding prescribed medicines which are zero-rated) in Jersey is currently 5%.
Is GST any different from VAT?
No, it is the same. GST is a form of Value Added Tax i.e., VAT.