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E-commerce market insights

Discover our reports, guides and analysis on international e-commerce. At Spring GDS, we are experts in cross-border logistics, helping your business grow globally. Explore our content organised by destination and optimise your international shipping strategy.
Information by world regions

North American markets, especially the United States and Canada, are highly competitive, but also offer great potential for international growth.
Meanwhile, South America is experiencing accelerated growth in e-commerce, with emerging markets offering great opportunities for international companies.

Europe remains a key market for e-commerce. With discerning consumers and strong growth in cross-border shipping, knowledge of European markets is critical to the success of your international business.

Oceania presents an ever-expanding digital marketplace, with consumers who value both quality and innovation.
In countries such as Australia and New Zealand, e-commerce continues to grow, and international companies are finding fertile ground in this region to expand their global presence and meet the expectations of a demanding public.
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