Spring GDS e-commerce guide to Australia

Explore the intricacies of the Australian e-commerce market
We find delivery solutions that take the complications away from our customers
This fact sheet provides valuable insights into e-commerce trends and consumer preferences within the Australian market.
The fact sheet covers:
Delivery insights
Key market information
Packaging and sustainability
Top 6 cross-border product categories
VAT and Duty
This fact sheet highlights our enhanced Spring Direct service to Australia: a cost-effective shipping solution that uses a local courier delivery network. Are you already shipping to this destination or interested in growing your business in the Australian market?
Make sure to reach out and our team is here to support you in your journey and ensure that your business thrives in this dynamic market.

Although the material has been prepared with the utmost care, it is only intended to provide general information about legal rules, practices and procedures. It can by no means be regarded as accounting, tax, legal or other professional advice. For that reason, users cannot derive any rights from or claim the correctness and completeness of the content of the material made available by Spring GDS G3 Worldwide Mail NV or any affiliated entity. Any form of liability for any damage resulting from the consultation of the material is expressly rejected. In all cases, it is recommended that the user obtains (local) advice about its own (tax) position.